Hair Treatment

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Male pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss also known as androgenetic alopecia typically presents as receding hair line. This first step of androgenetic alopecia is miniatunisation of hair follicle which patient notice as short their hair compared to thick hair on back side of scalp. The earlier the patient presents to doctor and starts the treatment, the better the results are. We offer our patient the latest advancement in treatment of androgentic alopecia and recommended a treatment plan as per the stage of hair loss.

Female pattern Hair Loss

Hair loss among females typically presents as widening of parting and thinning of hair braid. Hair loss can occurs as a result of hormonal imbalances in body. At times it can be symptoms of underlying nutrient deficiency or illness. In such cases once the underlying conditions arecorrected, hair loss stops. At skin and hair destination we offer the most advanced hair restoration treatments. A full assessment is done to ascertain the cause of hair loss and a treatment plan best suited to the patient is recommended.

Hair Transplant

We use FUE techniques where in patients non – bald area (usually back of scalp) is used as donor area from where follicular units grafts are harvested and transferred to the recipient site after making microslits at the recipient area.

PRP for Hair Loss

Platelet rich plasma is a process in which growth factors are infused into hair follicle to give them strength. In this procedure a few ml blood is taken and after centrifugation platelet rich plasma is extracted, these are further activated to release growth factor which are injected into hair roots thus making hair more nourished and dense than before.